Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween time

Lin's Marketplace in Overton always has something fun for the kids. Saturday, October 25 was no exception as the Lin's Halloween Carnival was held.
Kids and parents were able to join in the fun by tasting tantalizing samples throughout departments and playing a few games along the way. As families made their way through the store they played games. In the produce section, kids had fun fishing for treats. At the bakery area kids found a bean bag toss game set up to test their tossing skills. Kids got to throw into the eyes and mouths of pumpkins and a ghost.
Scarecrow Carol with her adorable grandchildren, Batman and Cat woman have fun at the Lin's Halloween Carnival held on Saturday.

Once they made their shot they got to pick their prize from the pocket of the game attendee. In the Deli area kids took part in a cake walk. Miniature cakes were the prize given and kids were ecstatic to win their very own cake, just the right size! There were even games outside the store. There was a tasty witches brew available for shoppers to taste. If they liked what they tasted they could take home the recipe to enjoy making their own batch. Not only were their super samples and great games but a costume contest and pumpkin decorating contest were held during the afternoon.
It was no surprise that kids jumped at the opportunity to get dressed in their Halloween costumes a week early. Loads of great characters filled the store and enjoyed taking part in the costume contest. The winners of the contest were: 3rd place was Enoch dressed as Cat in the Hat, 2nd place went to Marisol dressed as a beautiful princess, and 1st place went to Ms. Aubrie as a totally cool retro chick.
Next up with the pumpkin contest. Eleven entries were made in this contest of creativity and skill. Some kids really used their imaginations and had fun with their pumpkin and all were fun to see. After a tough choice the judges named the winners. Taking 3rd place was a fancy pumpkin that appeared to have been the work of an adult taking time with a great miniature carving of a scarecrow. In 2nd place was a pumpkin with the carving of a cat, and taking 1st place was Emma Boren with her pumpkin which looked a bit like Britney Spears with a blonde wig and pink scarf but when we asked Emma she said, "It's an alien".

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